A Breathtaking View of the Mediterranean Sea


Who doesn't want to make daddy proud? I surprised myself by sharing this on WhatsApp, this poster with my dad. I know that you don't know me, and you don't see my relationship with him. Wait, I'm feeling so much while I write this... 

He supported me like anyone, and I'm so grateful every day. He was always so wise and open. I never called him stepfather because the first memory I have of him is sitting me in the front part of a bicycle and driving hours with me, taking care of not being cold; I was just watching him so secure, so strong. He was a provider. When I think of what I consider success, there's no way he doesn't come to my mind, all his support. And I want to repeat this word thousand times: support.  

His relationship with work, money and all the yang matters was always the proper programming for me. I discovered this many years later when asking myself in what ways I was conditioned to work the way I work and the vision that I have for myself.   

I clearly remember that moment when embracing my highest excitement, came to him, and told him that I wanted to make music as a career in y life. With no judgment, he told me, "ok, that sound like you will be the best." He was usually judgy on everything, but he was just supporting in this conversation. He knew the importance of this decision to me. Well... decision? He gave me my first guitar, a beautiful black one, the same one I used to sing my mom's favorite songs to her while she was cooking in the kitchen and learning new and fancy chords to impress her. She just wanted to sing. 

People touch with actions, how they look at you, and how they treat you. When I arrived at Babacamp, I was received by Sercan, this active guy running here and there to have everything perfect for every act at Beyond Festival.  

To play on such a platform is just unforgettable. I was feeling so proud of myself. When I came up that mountain with a breathtaking view of the Mediterranean sea, my ears were like in an anechoic chamber; I could experience just peace and the singing of the birds and trees. I could be by myself for some minutes when the guys came to the camp for more equipment. I was feeling so much in my chest. I was feeling high. I was high, in both ways, in life and altitude.  

I'm surprised by my security to just give the best of myself and concentrate on doing magic, knowing that all those human beings are feeling with me and I'm feeling with them. It's so magical to know that I'm being experienced by others: like this girl crying in front of me, with her eyes lost in the music, experiencing herself... 

I usually close my eyes and allow myself to feel deep to get lost and let my hands and body express themselves through the waves of my music. 


What are those memories with your father and how is it related to your career and finances? Share this with us. 

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