Monday Morning Housekeeping

I'm not sure if this is a gender-specific trait, but whenever something new enters my life, there's an obsession in me to understand it completely. After our music production class yesterday, I struggled with configuring the virtual cable in OBS to capture the main outputs of Ableton Live and my voice from the UAD mixer. The goal was to record a video tutorial while playing "Temple of Isis" from Ableton, rather than using the bounce.

I scratched my head seven times before reluctantly admitting that I had done it perfectly before for streaming on Facebook, but now it wasn't working; I could hear the latency of my voice when monitoring through OBS.

My solution was to watch a YouTube video from Universal Audio (one of my favorite brands) and create a custom configuration on my mixer, setting up virtual channels so I wouldn't depend on external software that usually requires an additional payment. Step by step, despite feeling sleepy and hungry, my curiosity prevailed. Simay came to offer me dinner, and I asked for a bit more time to try recording the tutorial. After six attempts, facing various issues like partially recorded screencasts and a non-visible camera, I finally succeeded. However, upon finishing, I noticed a flangered sound throughout the video. This was because I had recorded with my favorite open headphones, DT990 Pro, excellent for mixing and mastering but not ideal for recording (I'm quite particular about headphones).

Today, I plan to record again using Sony MDR7506 headphones, touted as a quality standard in magazines, though I find them less impressive. I'm considering buying Beyer Dynamic headphones soon, but not in Turkey, as taxes seem to inflate the prices.

This morning, I wrote a newsletter for my music supporters, urging them to watch "Temple of Isis" on YouTube. I created an edit for sharing on Instagram and am contemplating sharing those clips as reels too.

Today, I feel like revisiting "Love & Freedom," a piece I composed with Simay, after a nurturing shower. I can't wait to bring that song to life. Simultaneously, I feel a calling to finish "Love a Woman," a track I claimed to have completed recording and mixing the background vocals for before the winter tour. This feeling can easily be confused with anxiety, yet it's a beautiful excitement that creativity brings to my life every day.

P.S. I just opened "Love & Freedom" and realized I need to use a de-esser on Simay's vocals.

P.S. 2. I'm getting used to cleaning my own house on Monday mornings; it was easier when I was single and paid someone to do it 😅

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