A Guide for DJ Facilitators to Integrate Blissful Meditations

As an ecstatic dance DJ facilitator, you have the power to create transformative experiences on the dance floor. One powerful way to enhance the magic is by integrating a "Heaven on Earth" meditation into your sessions. This guided meditation not only deepens the connection between participants and the music but also fosters an atmosphere of joy, unity, and ecstatic bliss. In this blog post, we'll guide you through the process of seamlessly incorporating this meditation into your ecstatic dance events.

Creating a "Heaven on Earth" meditation for an ecstatic dance involves combining guided visualization with rhythmic and uplifting music to enhance the overall experience. This meditation is designed to evoke feelings of bliss, connection, and oneness with the present moment. Feel free to adapt it to suit the preferences of the participants and the atmosphere of the dance.


  1. Find a comfortable and quiet space for the meditation within the dance area.
  2. Ensure that participants have enough room to move freely.
  3. Select music with a tempo and vibe that aligns with the ecstatic dance atmosphere.

Guided Meditation:

Close your eyes and find a comfortable standing position. Take a few deep breaths to center yourself.

Grounding (5 minutes):

  • Feel the energy connecting you to the Earth.
  • Imagine roots extending from your feet, grounding you deep into the Earth's core.
  • With each breath, draw up the Earth's energy through your roots and into your body.

Opening the Heart (3 minutes):

  • Visualize a radiant light at the center of your chest, your heart center.
  • As you breathe in, imagine this light expanding, filling your entire being with love and warmth.

Heavenly Connection (4 minutes):

  • Envision a beam of divine light streaming down from the heavens.
  • With each inhale, draw this light into the crown of your head, allowing it to cascade through your entire body.

Unity with the Universe (5 minutes):

  • Feel the boundaries of your physical body dissolve.
  • Envision yourself as pure energy, connected to the vast universe.
  • Sense the rhythm of the cosmos flowing through you.

Dance of Bliss (10 minutes):

  • Begin to move your body in whatever way feels natural, letting the energy flow through you.
  • Allow the music to guide your movements, expressing joy, freedom, and ecstasy.
  • Feel the unity with the music, the energy of the Earth, and the cosmic vibrations.

Gratitude and Blessings (3 minutes):

  • As the meditation comes to an end, express gratitude for this moment, your body, the music, and the community around you.
  • Send positive intentions and blessings to yourself, the dance, and the world.

Take a few moments to stand still, feeling the energy within and around you. When you're ready, slowly open your eyes, bringing the sense of peace and joy with you into the dance.

Closing Note: Encourage participants to continue dancing with the energy and connection they've cultivated during the meditation. Remind them that this "Heaven on Earth" state is always accessible through presence, gratitude, and the celebration of life.

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