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When you subscribe to my site, your monthly support unlocks a diverse array of exclusive benefits, enhancing your personal and creative journey:

1 Video Class per Week: Dive into personalized learning with a weekly video class tailored to your preferences.

Access to Exclusive 1:1 Off-Topic Lessons and Tips: Enjoy private, off-topic sessions where we can delve into specific areas of interest and share valuable insights.

Insights into Songwriting/Production Process: Gain behind-the-scenes access to my creative world, exploring the intricacies of songwriting and production both individually and collaboratively with other artists.

Exclusive Discounts for Workshops and Masterclasses: Enhance your skills with special discounts on various workshops and masterclasses offered through my platform.

Discounts on Musical Instruments and other products: Elevate your musical journey with exclusive discounts on a variety of musical instruments.

Exclusive Discounts on Concerts, Ecstatic Dances, and Retreats: Immerse yourself in unique experiences at a reduced cost, from live concerts and ecstatic dances to transformative retreats.

Monthly Tarot Reading: Receive personalized insights and guidance with a monthly tarot reading, providing clarity and inspiration on your path.

Coaching Session: Elevate your personal and creative pursuits with a dedicated coaching session, tailored to your goals and aspirations.

Open Project Video: Gain an insider's perspective on my latest tracks with an exclusive video showcasing the open project files. Learn firsthand how I produced each element, fostering a deeper understanding of the creative process.

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